quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008

Enfim estou em Maputo!

Texto escrito em outubro de 2003 para amigos que se preparavam para ir da Inglaterra para trabalhar como voluntários em alguns países da África.

Arriving in Maputo was a shock, not because of the conditions of the city, but because of the fact that everybody speaks my language and it is pretty strange to realise that. They not only speak my language, but they are also (as I do) crazy for Brazil. They watch Brazilian soap operas, they listen Brazilian music, they love Ronaldo, and they are more than anxious to welcome a Brazilian singer that is coming to the country on November and whose program is on TV every Sunday. Ahh, they also go to the church…. a Brazilian church called Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. It is amazing. I can tell you guys: learn the language of the country you are going because you have a great advantage. Shari is doing really well. She can communicate to the people, and I am sure that in one or 2 months she will be speaking quite well. We stayed one day in Maputo when we went to visit the city. It is not so dirty, but it is extremely poor if we take into consideration that it is the capital of the country. The streets are pavimented, but just 1/3 of the houses has clean water and sewage system. The buses are called chapas and actually they are mini buses that can fit as many people as go inside. Everybody is welcome. If you just leave the city center, you can see streets that are not pavimented and very simple houses made by palha (I don’t know the name in English) and bamboo.

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